Welcome to the Metrix!
Welcome to the Metrix!! {ermm.... Operational "Metrics" Reporting}
Let me introduce myself.
I am AdyaMan.
Clouded in mystery and suspense......
What is the Metrix?
The Metrix is a world built on clients' aspirations: who they think they are, what they think they are doing and what they want to be.
The Metrix is a world mutually created by us IT people, who strengthen the bond between the clients. It is where they live. It’s their world! They talk to each other, support each other, see what the others buy, hear others’ opinions and identify with or differentiate themselves from others.
The Metrix cannot stand alone, though. It won’t create anything. Stand-alone systems simply do not have aspirations or a sense of attachment to anything. Today onwards the challenge to you as a member of the Metrix IT team is how to develop "The Metrix version 2" for your customers — a world whose centre is your brand and which is inhabited by your customers.
We must do what we must do.
Hmm.... well, the kind of language I have used in that epistle is familiar to me... I too feel at times that I am in some kind of a "Matrix" or the other... maybe or probably LIKELY it is now by the name of "Operational Metrics Reporting" a.k.a. "O.M.R. a.k.a. "Oye Maar" !!!
Now your question abt the character I associate myself most with ....?
Hmmmm,, well my fav is Neo - 'cuz he "gets the girl" - naturally!!! But donno in terms of looks or whatever else (I wish that I was even half as good looking as Neo but anyway....! :-) .. perhaps I would be more like Morpheus (looks-wise) .. or perhaps "Mouse the Hacker" (in terms of the sort of things I do with the PC - I am a bit of a "hack" when I get going!!!) ... or even perhaps a bit of everything a-la "Mr. Smith".
So let me get back to wallow in my own misery by Matrixing/Metricsing .... or whatever you wanna call it!!
So long,